Avid readers of this blog may have noticed that they're not actually required by my prolific blogging to be THAT avid really.. this is more of a trickle of a blog rather than a stream... It's not that I don't do anything interesting or that I can't think of what to WRITE, I just firmly believe that you really wouldn't want to READ about the minutea of my life... When I first had a blog over on LJ it was sparse and then when I blogged on MySpace it was more kind of to get my thoughts out in the world... I guess Twitter does that for me now... And since no-one has actually commented over here I have no idea if people are reading this!
I feel kind of like I'm shouting into a large cave and hearing my own voice echo back at me... and finding myself underwhelmed by the response I keep going back outside to play!
I suppose if like so many of you I themed this blog I'd have more to write about and a direct audience, however I've thought about themes a lot and always come to the conclusion that I just like it how it is... if anyone reads it or not... I like how I can be eclectic and just ramble as I often do :)
So with all that if you read to the end you can kind of see this is a non-post.
I shan't click delete though....
From A.
*clicks Publish Post*