I really struggle with this... when I was a teenager I really didn't... I filed bank statements, information from savings accounts, birth certificate etc all with precision accuracy... but quite frankly I was obsessed... I got a buzz from doing it and I just thought it would be the same foreever... I didn't bank on moving away from home and coming back to LARGE piles of post every holiday, or having the building society write to me once every month during a financial crash to tell me the intrest rates kept decreasing.... basically there was more paper and I stopped dealing with it as it arrived and let it pile up!
No MORE! I am going to sort it out starting TODAY... even a drawers worth of paper sorted is better than nothing... I am going to get a shreader if I can afford it so that I KNOW it's dumped and gone... especially all that sensitive data!
Also I am going to get my head around my finances.. I am pretty good... but I am used to having a regular job... just now I don't so I need to NOT SPEND LIKE I DO!
So today's list is a few things
- Bin some paper- 15 minutes of sorting a couple of magazine racks and finding homes in folders or scrapping the paper that is in them (NOT ALL OF THEM AT ONCE!)
- Take the "european cardboard mountatin" to the municipal tip!
- PUPA the living room so I can sit down and relax!
- Change/wash bedsheets
- Shine sink and hob.... put dishes away in kitchen so it's not a public health hazard!
- Sort the rest of the washing.... label bags with days for this week!
- Water poor droopy plants
- Spend some time in the backyard getting some vitamin D
- Post some pictures of pretty backyard to adoring fans
- LOVE YOURSELF by taking a walk :D
Hope you enjoyed reading :D
A x